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Your support helps us reach thousands of children in America with hope!

Youth Haven gives hurting kids a place to belong.

We're a part of their lives!

Our mission is to provide life-changing, Christ-centered experiences for disadvantaged children. 

We serve over 1800 children around the United States each month through our on-site adventures and Adventure Club mail and online ministry. It's all provided to deserving children free of charge, and without state or federal funding. Your gifts give hope to kids who have faced hardships and need the love of Jesus!

What's Happening at Youth Haven


Hero Newsletter

Read our current newsletter to learn what your gift provides and how it helps a child!


A Unique Impact

Youth Haven is having a unique impact on families facing tragic circumstances. 


Michigan Ladies' Days

Registration is now open for Ladies' Days at the Michigan campus! The event takes place May 1, 2, and 3, with special guest Robyn Dykstra. 

Sign up for our prayer team and we'll send you some of our children's first names so you can pray for them. Thank you for your prayers!

Learn More 
Click the images for more information!
Get Involved
Click the images to see how you can help!
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