Working together, we can make a difference!
Youth Haven is non-denominational and is not affiliated with one denomination or church. We believe God's desire is for all of His people to work together to serve those who are less fortunate. Those who need to know about His love.
At Youth Haven, we are reaching disadvantaged boys and girls with God's love every week throughout the entire year. Our goal in partnering with a local church is always to help both ministries effectively model the love of Christ and share His hope as together we serve "the least of these" (Matthew 25:40).
Ways Your Church Can Help:
1. Financially Support Youth Haven as a Local Mission
These children have the potential to be America's next generation of Christian leaders, but they need your help! Your support of Youth Haven as a part of your mission budget will help meet the needs of disadvantaged children and share the love of Christ with boys and girls who may never hear about Him otherwise. We provide a safe, non-threatening environment, away from the difficulties they might be facing in their lives, where the children can learn that God loves them and created them for a purpose.

3. Schedule Children to Attend Youth Haven!
Does your church have a local outreach program serving families in need in your community? Are you aware of children who could benefit from an experience at Youth Haven? We would love to help you share God's love and hope with them! Please contact Stephanie, our Director of Program Scheduling, at (517) 569-3328 or via e-mail at She'll work with you to schedule them for a fun, Christ-centered week or weekend at Youth Haven!
2. Take Up a Collection!
Children frequently come for a week or weekend without the clothing or other provisions they need. We do our best to provide for those needs through the donations we receive. Your church can help by taking up a collection of these items, for ages 7-13:
Children's clothing (new or like-new)
New shoes and winter boots
Jackets and winter coats
Hats, gloves, mittens, and scarves
School supplies
Toys and Christmas gifts

4. Bring Groups to Serve as Volunteers!
If your church is looking for ways to engage your families and small groups in the community, Youth Haven is a great place to serve! We have regular needs for volunteers to help with campus upkeep, special events, and occasionally in our children's program. Click here to learn more!
If you're a youth group leader looking for short-term mission opportunities for your students, we welcome church youth groups (primarily high school) to work directly with the children during a weekend retreat or a week of summer camp. It can be a life-changing experience for them, as well as for the children they serve!
We want to get to know our ministry partners! Youth Haven staff are available to spend time with you and share more about the ministry during Sunday school classes, worship services, missions events, or other special events.
If you would like to speak to someone about any of these partnership opportunities, please contact our Corporate Office at (517) 569-3328 or
Thank you!