When and how did Youth Haven begin?
Youth Haven was founded in 1968 in Rives Junction, Michigan. The Arizona campus was founded in 1982. Click here to read how it all came about!
Campuses & Facilities
How many acres of land does Youth Haven own?
Youth Haven owns approximately 400 acres in Michigan, and 85 acres in Arizona.
How was the property acquired?
Several parcels of land were purchased in Michigan. The property in Arizona, including a 1,500 square-foot building, and some additional funds were donated to Youth Haven by Palmer Miller and the Joshua Foundation of Arizona.
How many buildings are on Youth Haven's property?
There are 30 buildings at the Michigan campus and 12 buildings in Arizona, including dorms, a chapel, a gym, a dining hall, and other buildings for indoor activities. Youth Haven staff and volunteers built most of the buildings in an effort to keep costs minimal.
Children's Programs
What children are eligible to come to Youth Haven?
Disadvantaged boys and girls between the ages of 7-13 are eligible to attend. These are children who have experienced some type of hardship in their lives. Examples include foster care, single-parent homes, or low-income homes.
How are children referred to Youth Haven?
We work with many different types of agencies, including but not limited to social service agencies, child welfare agencies, schools, and churches with community outreach programs. We also accept individual referrals from parents, foster parents, grandparents, or other individuals who are able to secure permission from a parent or guardian for the child to attend. To learn more, please contact Stephanie, our Director of Program Scheduling, at (517) 569-3328 or (520) 466-3093.
Do you work with children of all races?
Yes! Children come from all racial backgrounds, and we welcome them all with love and care!
How long do the children stay on your campus during your on-site programs?
A different group of children comes to our campuses each week, all throughout the year. We offer weekend programs throughout the school year, and five-day camps during the summer. Children are invited to return once each season.
Is Youth Haven non-denominational?
Yes, we are a non-denominational Christian organization. We teach the children Bible stories, verses, and the basic gospel message. No child is ever forced or pressured to make a decision to accept Christ.
What are the activities of a typical day?
We want kids to have so much fun they can't wait to come back! Click here to learn more about our camp activities.
Do you have contact with the children after they leave Youth Haven?
Yes. We send all the children who attend our programs birthday cards, letters, and postcards inviting them to return. The “Kids' Connection" newsletter and our kids' web site contain fun games and interesting stories to help encourage the kids and remind them they are loved.
Do the children pay to come?
All disadvantaged children attend our programs free of charge, thanks to the generosity of private donors.
Partnership Opportunities
How is Youth Haven supported?
Youth Haven is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that is 100% privately supported. We receive no state or federal funding. For all donations received, receipts are issued for tax purposes. If you would like to help Youth Haven meet the needs of disadvantaged children, please click here to donate now.
How much does it cost to provide a scholarship for a child to attend Youth Haven?
Every disadvantaged child receives a full scholarship to attend Youth Haven. We estimate that cost to be $384, which includes a child's food, lodging and bedding, activities, staff, personal hygiene items, a Bible to take home, and follow-up.
How can I help?
There are many ways you can get involved! You can...
Pray regularly for the children and our staff.
Partner with us financially and help us continue to bring disadvantaged children to our campuses through your love gifts. Please click here if you'd like to learn more or give a gift.
Volunteer your time to help keep our facilities and programs running smoothly! Please visit our volunteer page here.
Join our staff! Please click here to see our current employment opportunities.
How can I be better aware of Youth Haven's needs and activities?
Watch our blog, Facebook page, Instagram or Twitter feed for updates! E-mail us to sign up for our regular print newsletters or e-mail updates.
Are visiting groups and tours welcome?
We encourage people to come see what God is doing! If you would like to visit the Michigan Ranch, call (517) 569-3328. For the Arizona Ranch, call (520) 466-3093. We would also be happy to visit your church or organization to share more about our outreach with your group.
Other Questions
Haven't I heard about Youth Haven on the radio?
Yes! If you listen to Family Life Radio, you have probably heard the "Moment of Hope" daily radio broadcast, a daily broadcast consisting of updates, testimonies, and personal thoughts from Youth Haven. In northern Michigan, you may have also heard about Youth Haven on the Promise FM.
What is the relationship between Youth Haven and Family Life Radio?
Youth Haven and Family Life are separate corporations, but sister organizations with common goals and objectives, and some of the same board members.