Harvey and Friends

Meet Harvey, the Youth Haven mascot, and his lovable friends! Harvey and Friends are a featured part of the entire children's program at Youth Haven - on site, in all of our mailed materials, and on our kids' website!
While they're at Youth Haven, the kids have an opportunity to meet and interact with Harvey in person! He might appear periodically throughout the retreat to help explain rules, give a few high-fives, pass out prizes, and maybe even ride the zipline!
Each of the Harvey and Friends characters has a corresponding stuffed animal, wearing a t-shirt with the Youth Haven logo on it. Throughout their time at Youth Haven, the children can earn stickers for memorizing verses, completing an activity booklet, following the safety rules, being a good friend to their teammates, or bringing their Trailbooks with them each time they return. (Trailbooks are custom Bibles the children receive at Youth Haven.) When they're not on site, they can earn stickers for completing and returning activity pages and challenges we send them in the mail, or submitting an activity or challenge on our kids' website. When they've earned enough stickers, they are rewarded with their very own Harvey and Friends stuffed animal! Every child has the ability to collect all twelve characters.
Meet the entire Harvey & Friends cast at havenforkids.fun, or by clicking on the images below!