Leave a Legacy
"Children are the living messages we send
to a time we will not see." -John W. Whitehead
Ways to Give:
Include a gift to Youth Haven in your Will or Revocable Trust
Name Youth Haven as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy
Name Youth Haven as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), 403(b), or pension
What to Do:
Prayerfully consider what assets you might want to give to Youth Haven. This could include cash, stocks, property, or other assets.​
Ask the attorney handling your Will or Revocable Trust to include wording that clearly articulates your wishes to leave a portion of your estate to Youth Haven.
Fill out and sign the appropriate beneficiary forms to name Youth Haven as a beneficiary of your insurance policy or retirement account.

Why It's Worth Doing:
We've partnered with you to make a difference in the lives of disadvantaged children since 1968! Planned giving enables you to continue to partner with us in this mission, even after your lifetime.
Children's lives are transformed as a result of your gifts to Youth Haven! Click here to read some of their powerful transformation stories.
You will be leaving a legacy with an eternal impact. Our prayer is that someday you will meet the children whose lives were changed as a result of your estate gift in Heaven!
To speak with someone about planned giving opportunities, please contact our Corporate Office at 517-569-3328.
You can continue to bring hope to future generations, even after your lifetime! It's a gift that costs you nothing now, but will change the lives of disadvantaged children for years to come.