You can help a child who has felt left out and forgotten find a place to belong! That’s exactly what your support did for Andy.*
When his adoptive mother first reached out to us, she wrote, “We adopted Andy from foster care after he and his 9 siblings were forcibly removed from their home of origin. He is in contact with his siblings but was traumatized by being separated from them. He was in another foster home for two years, and he believed he was there forever. They thought they might adopt him, so they sent mixed messages. It has been a hard road for him...”
She continued, “He sees his brothers having these kinds of experiences and wants to join in as well. Who likes to be left out? We would love for him to have a camp experience but can’t seem to find one that is trained in working with kids from his background. We would worry for his safety. We appreciate your consideration.”
We’re incredibly grateful Andy’s adoptive parents reached out to us and trusted us enough to allow him to participate in our programs! We were thrilled to welcome him to our campus, where he felt loved, accepted, and wanted. He had a chance to do the fun activities he had heard his brothers talk about. And he was in an environment that is safe for kids who are struggling to heal from the childhood trauma they’ve endured.
Since his first visit, Andy has come back to our campus and continues to attend our children’s retreats, including a Christmas weekend where we were able to bless him with toys and share the story of Jesus’ birth with him. He also participated in our Spy Academy virtual camp and receives regular mail from us. Through it all, he has learned that he is loved deeply, not only by us, but by a God who loved him enough to die for him.
Andy no longer feels left out and forgotten. He knows he belongs at Youth Haven, and he knows he belongs to God!
Thank you. Your prayers, financial love gifts, and volunteer time make it possible for Andy and other children like him to feel the love and acceptance they need to heal!
*Name changed for confidentiality