Andrea* and her siblings grew up in a home where they were sexually abused and frequently witnessed illegal drug use. When the abuse was discovered, she and her brothers were separated from their sisters and moved three times within the first year. Andrea’s world was one where no one wanted her, and no one had taken the time to teach her right from wrong.
That’s when she was placed with a foster mother who had been to Youth Haven as a child and remembered the impact our programs had on her life. She reached out to us, asking if we could help Andrea.
“We believe a Christian setting for her will be best and help her grow not only with God but also seeing a better way to be,” she wrote. “She would be able to see a positive way to live and have fun doing so!”
We welcomed Andrea to Youth Haven and accepted her with open arms! She made new friends and spent time with positive role models. She learned about Jesus’ unfailing love for her, and she received her own Bible, the Youth Haven Trailbook, to take home.
Soon after that, Andrea was returned to her mother’s care but continued to come to Youth Haven. During one of her stays with us, we received word that her mother had been taken to jail. But Andrea had come to understand that Jesus was always with her, even when life was hard. She made a decision to follow Him during that camp session!
Youth Haven has remained a positive influence in her life through our mail and on-site programs. She has completed several of the Bible activities we’ve sent her and returned them to us as part of our “Harvey and Friends” incentive program, earning two of our exclusive stuffed animals. And she has continued to attend our on-site programs, where she receives love and encouragement in a safe and fun environment.
Thank you for allowing us to be there for Andrea when the rest of her world seems so unstable. Thank you for showing her that the love of Jesus never fails!
*Name changed for confidentiality