On the surface, Jackson* is a happy eight-year-old boy who will charm you with his smile.
But if you get to know him, you’ll realize how much hurt and confusion hide behind that smile.
Jackson has a brother who is one year older than he is, but has a different father. He also has two younger sisters who have yet another father. And while his siblings’ fathers are involved in their lives, Jackson has never met his dad. In fact, he has only ever spoken to him once, over the phone. His mom tells us Jackson “has 10 other siblings from his real father he may never see.”
You can imagine why he shows sadness when he sees his siblings interacting with their dads. He doesn’t know what it’s like to have a relationship with a father. But that’s what he longs for.
In her request for a camp scholarship for Jackson, his mom wrote, “I think Youth Haven could help fill that void… I’m hoping you can help my son through this life’s situation.”
At Youth Haven, Jackson is surrounded by caring adults who invest in him and show him he is worth their time. More importantly, every time he comes he has an opportunity to learn more about the only one who can fill that void in his life: his Heavenly Father who loves him and promises never to leave him. Our hope is that as we continue to pour into him, he will rest in that love and it will shape the adult he becomes.
Your gifts are an investment in the lives and futures of kids who need to know they are loved. Your support enables these children to see there is a better way to live, and with God’s help, they can rise above their circumstances. Thank you for making a difference and helping them discover the love of their Heavenly Father!
*Name changed for confidentiality.