Your gifts to Youth Haven could help a hurting child find salvation!
Sierra’s* dad hoped that would be the case for her when he reached out to us for help two years ago. He wrote, “I’ve reached out to so many people, and we haven’t been able to find any answers. I truly believe that Youth Haven is a type of environment/interaction that we haven’t visited yet and I pray that it will be her salvation.”
Even before she was born, Sierra was a victim of abuse. Her mother used drugs and alcohol during her pregnancy, which caused Sierra to be born prematurely and struggle with developmental delays. Her father was granted full custody, and her mother was only in her life sporadically. When she was five, her mother overdosed and passed away.
The impact of her mother’s choices left Sierra feeling like her life was worthless. As a single parent with very little income, her dad wasn’t able to pay for services that might help her. When he heard about Youth Haven, it gave him hope!
Thanks to caring friends like you, Sierra was able to come to Youth Haven and learn that God loves her and created her for a very special purpose! She received a new Bible, called the Youth Haven Trailbook. And she began receiving our engaging children’s mailings, filled with Bible stories, activities, and reminders that God loves her, and so do we!
She has continued to attend our on-site programs and respond to our mail ministry. Over the past couple of years, we’ve seen a confused, hurting child begin to have fun, smile more, and embrace God’s love for her. In fact, this summer she told her team leader she wanted to follow Jesus!
Sierra truly did find salvation at Youth Haven, and it’s only because of friends like you who chose to help. Your support allows us to be a stable positive influence in Sierra’s life, along with many other kids with stories like hers. Together, we can show them they are deeply loved children of God!
*Name changed for confidentiality