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Torrie's Story

She was 13 when she first came to Youth Haven, with the weight of the world on her shoulders.

In one week, Torrie and her younger siblings had learned that her parents were getting divorced, and that her mom had cancer. The months that followed were difficult for the family. With her mom sick and unable to work, Torrie took on a great deal of responsibility for her sister and brother. And as money dwindled, they found themselves living in a hotel.

Fortunately, her mom reached out to Youth Haven for help. Her brother and sister came as Ranchers, and Torrie got involved in our teen program as a potential Leader-in Training (LIT).

“At first I didn’t want anything to do with God,” she remembers. “I came because I loved working with the kids.” But God began to soften her heart, until one evening in chapel, she accepted Christ as her Savior. That moment changed her life.

She came back as often as she could, hungry to learn more about God. While she was here she could rest from the difficulties she faced at home. Our staff encouraged her, and she found hope. Now, she is part of our summer staff, grateful for the opportunity to give back to the kids some of what was invested in her life.

Things are still tough for Torrie. Her mom still has cancer, and there is still very little money. But Youth Haven has helped her understand that God has a good and perfect plan for her.

“This is my home,” she says. “I know if I never came to Youth Haven I would not be happy at all. I would not be godly at all. I would definitely be going down the wrong path.”


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