Antonio's Story

Kids need love in order to thrive. But for Antonio,* love was a foreign concept. He didn't know what it felt like to be truly loved and taken care of.
Antonio grew up without knowing his biological father, and his mother did not give him the attention he needed and deserved. Forgotten and left alone, he would often wander outside and no one knew his whereabouts. Unfortunately, they did not live in a place that was safe for kids to play outside unattended, and Antonio endured sexual abuse from neighbors.
Antonio also witnessed frequent domestic violence between his mother and step-father. When police were finally called, Antonio was removed from his home and placed in foster care. His grandmother stepped in to care for him, and a case worker from the Department of Child Safety recommended Youth Haven to her. She reached out to us and explained his traumatic past. "He needs to feel that he is wanted," she said.
Since that day two years ago, Antonio has attended our on-site adventures multiple times. We've been able to assure him he is loved and valued, that God created him and has a very special purpose for his life. At Youth Haven, he knows he is safe, and he's able to participate in all kinds of fun activities with other kids and caring adults. He made a decision to follow Jesus, and he continues to grow as he returns regularly and engages in our mail and online program.
Antonio now has the support and love he needs to thrive, and that's because friends like you gave. Thank you for helping change his life!
*Name changed for confidentiality