Right now, right here in America, kids are facing heartbreaking circumstances.
Your gift will give children the love and hope they desperately need!

Children all around you are going through incredible hardships.
You may not see it when you look at them, but the truth is that we are surrounded by kids who have been abused, neglected, subjected to domestic violence and drugs in their homes, or forced to go without basic necessities because of poverty. It's hard to acknowledge that these things happen right here in our own country and our own communities. But they do. If you only knew the circumstances so many children face day after day, your heart would break.
If we don't help, who will?
Even more tragic is the reality that more and more children are growing up without any understanding of biblical truth and who Jesus is.
If we don't tell them, who will?
Children desperately need the love and hope of Jesus. And you could be the one to share that with them! Your gift to Youth Haven will help provide a safe place for disadvantaged children, where their needs will be met and they can experience fun activities that should be a part of their childhood. It's a place where they are loved and cared for by people they trust. And it's a place where every activity is designed to show them God loves them, created them intentionally, and has an amazing purpose for their lives!
This is the gift of love and hope that changes lives. Lives like Zander's.
Zander* never had a relationship with his biological father, who has been in and out of prison for Zander's entire life. The only father figure in his life was the father of his half-siblings, who was tragically killed in a car accident when Zander was only 6 years old. Less than a year later, his baby sister also passed away after suffocating in the middle of the night while sleeping in the same bed with Zander, two other siblings, and their mother.
The trauma of all of this led to behavioral issues, and Zander was suspended from school for a total of 79 days that year. When he was 8, he finally opened up to a counselor at school about the abuse he was enduring at home. After an investigation, his mother was convicted of child abuse and strangulation, and Zander was removed from his home.
When a foster care worker told his foster mother about Youth Haven, she reached out to ask if Zander could get involved with our programs. We were excited to welcome Zander to our campus! He was able to have fun and form friendships with other kids from similar backgrounds. Our staff showed him unconditional love and told him over and over again how valuable he is, not only to us, but to God! He received a Bible to take home, and we began sending him engaging activities, Bible stories, and challenges in the mail.
Zander accepted Christ as his Savior and has been eager to come back for our on-site retreats as often as he can. Youth Haven has quickly become a place where he feels safe and loved. And he's growing in his understanding of the Bible and his relationship with Jesus!
Zander's story is not unique. I could tell you story after heartbreaking story. The need is great, and we have a big job to do! But there is hope, and lives are being changed because of the generosity of friends like you.
We provide all of our programs free of charge, and we're not funded by state or federal funding. Costs to provide for the needs of these kids have risen, and we need your help to make sure as many children as possible are being cared for and hearing the Gospel! Please prayerfully consider making a special gift to Youth Haven to help Zander and other children like him.
Thank you! Together, we will continue to make a difference in the lives of America's next generation!
Your Mission Partner,
Lars Carlson
President & CEO
P.S. Your gift will help hurting children find love and hope through the ministry of Youth Haven. Thank you!
*Name changed for confidentiality